Stella-Maris - Broadstairs - Star of the Sea

Picture of Broadstairs

Although the pandemic is officially over Covid has not gone away so some events may still get cancelled or curtailed so please make sure you contact the event organisers before making any plans for 2024 especially if travelling from afar!

If you do visit please respect our Town and please leave nothing but footprints in the sand when you depart.

Revised Weather Display Expected Solar value calculator

This PHP script is designed as a diagnostic tool and not as a method of regular calculation for use by websites. Your IP address will be logged and any excessive use will get your IP banned from using this script

This script has now been modified to limit your use to 4 calculations in a 24 hour period which should be sufficient for its intended use. This will not change so please do not request it. This has been forced on me due to some users running the script hundreds of times per day.

Your IP is

The main change is to the attenuation value and the way it is calculated and now considers the height above sea level for the location and the minute offset has been removed, mainly as I was not at all sure what it was supposed to do. At this stage no other changes have been made. Temperature and humidity are not used in this calculation as it has been suggested that the difference such variables would make would be negligable.
I must thank Tom Ehrensperger (WXSim author) for his help in these changes and his permssion to use his formula.

The values given should be between your sunrise and sunset times with solar noon at the correct time. The two solar irradiance values given are the maximum possible and an expected value inline with the attenuation factor.

Latitude(deg)= Latitude(min)=
Longitude(deg)= Longitude(min)=
Height ASL = Height Units (F or M) =
Timezone= Daylight Saving time? 


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