Stella-Maris - Broadstairs - Star of the Sea

Picture of Broadstairs

Although the pandemic is officially over Covid has not gone away so some events may still get cancelled or curtailed so please make sure you contact the event organisers before making any plans for 2024 especially if travelling from afar!

If you do visit please respect our Town and please leave nothing but footprints in the sand when you depart.

Photos of Old Broadstairs

This page (or pages as time goes by) will contain photos of Broadstairs from times gone by. There have been so many reminiscences on the Guestbook from people about their times spent in Broadstairs & St Peters that there will be some who have old photos which may bring back even more memories.

If you have some photos you would like to make available please email me and let me know what you would like to share.

In these days of litigation I have to have some rules about what you submit. See the details here.

Click on any thumbnail image to see a larger version.

Here are some photos taken by Lars Wiklund during a visit from Sweden in 1965. Lars has very kindly sent me these photos with permission to put them up on this site. Most of the images are of public houses, apart from the odd name change all but four still exist today. All these images are copyright Lars Wiklund.

Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965 Broadstairs-1965

Broadstairs-circa-1970 Tartar-Frigate These are a couple of images of ours, one shows Janie when ponchos were last in fashion (late 1970 or early 1971). The other shows the Tartar Frigate public house and you can just see the Hotel On the Jetty to its left which later became The Mad Chef Bistro and is now a private house, the date of this photo has not yet been established - perhaps someone can help?

York-Gate-1 York-Gate-2 These are two old postcards we have, I have no idea who might own the copyright on these two as there is nothing on the back to indicate the company. The first one was a card posted on 16th July 1909 and I believe the boat on the harbour may be the lifeboat. If anyone knows any more about these two please contact me.

Jetty-rebuild Jetty-rebuild These photos are copyright Eric Woodruff who lives locally. These were taken when the Jetty last underwent a rebuild, we think this may have been around 1973-1975 but are not sure, can anyone confirm when this work was done?

All rights in these photos remain with the identified copyright owner at all times.

The following terms and conditions apply for submission of photos:

  1. You must own the copyright in the photo, or have written permission from the copyright owner, which must be supplied
  2. You must supply a scan of the photo, not less than 640x480 in size and 72dpi resolution. If you dont have the ability to scan photos please contact me at the above address and I'll see what can be done.
  3. You (or the copyright owner) must agree to their identity being published on the site and must provide me with a contact email address. This address will only be published with your agreement, otherwise it will be held by me in case needed
  4. I reserve the right to edit photos as required, only for the purpose of copyright attribution and where needed resizing to make them fit the site
  5. Obviously all photos must be suitable for general viewing, and I reserve the right to decide which photos are published
  6. These photos are not available as printed copies, anyone wishing to obtain copies must contact the copyright owner

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